I didn’t know how deep love could go until I became a mom. And I’m certain I have only even barely scratched the surface, especially in light of Christ’s love.
In the past year and a half, grief and loss have bombarded my soul, and it has caused a war within me. It makes me want to hold on to my daughters tighter than ever. Cuddle and rock them a little longer. Chase them and bear hug them way too much. Rub their backs as often as they request it- which is a lot. At the same time, this sudden dose of reality has helped me to understand a little bit better that they are not ultimately mine. They are God’s. Nothing in this life is certain besides His love, grace, and salvation. Therefore, I hold them loosely. Cherishing every moment I’m given, but clinging to Christ all the more when my plans go awry.
I was running from my camera to the bed for every shot (it was quite the workout but the girls loved seeing mom run around like a crazy person). This one, I accidentally knocked Addie a little too hard into Alia. Oops!
Don’t worry. She recovered quickly.